Sudden cardiac arrest is the abrupt loss of
heart function, breathing, and consciousness.
The condition usually results from a problem with
your heart’s electrical system, which disrupts your
heart’s pumping action and stops blood flow to your
body. Using a defibrillator or even CPR – can improve
the chances of survival until emergency workers arrive
Comprehensive rescue process
AV-Heart Care provides voice guidance during the entire rescue
process, provides personalized intelligent rescue guidance,
facilitate users respond quickly and improves rescue efficiency
Interactive Rescue Guidance
Advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)
assistive functions enable CPR beats and voice
guidance in real-time, instruct the user on the
essentials of chest compression, and improve
the rescue efficiency and success rate.
Step faster for life rescue
When a patient suffers cardiac arrest, the golden rescue time is only 4 minutes. Aveus AED synchronizes
intelligent pre-charging during the heart rhythm analysis process, which shortens the power-on and heart
rhythm analysis time. The whole process from power-on to charging completion does not exceed 7
seconds, and the discharge can be performed immediately after the heart rhythm analysis is completed.
Think more for safety
360J Up to 360J energy selection.
For patients with high defibrillation thresholds such as myocardial infarction, obesity, and
high impedance, more energy selections indicate higher success rates for defibrillation.
300Ω Greater Impedance – 300Ω
Suitable for greater patient types
AV-Heart Care has passed many strict tests, and its reliable and durable quality makes AED suitable for long-term
placement and use in various complex and high-demand environments
Based on the Big Data and IOT technology, Aveus AED Intelligent Management System achieves whole
life-cycle management of AED device. The system can manage and maintain the Aveus AED via
Wifi/4G/5G daily, weekly and monthly, it will send the malfunction records automatically to the maintainer
for fast troubleshooting without on-site inspection. It has greatly saved the daily management and
maintenance spend.
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