Subtotal: 6,000.00 AED
No Recalibration is needed. Just purchase a Pre-Calibrated Sensor and replace worn sensor.
The APL-1 is a high-end breath alcohol tester in Alcoscan line of products. It uses a high-quality fuel cell sensor to ensure highly accurate readings. It produces highly consistent readings when users take readings consecutively. This distinguishes itself with the below features-
Complies with USCG regulations- The regulations in 46 CFR Parts 4 and 16 were developed and first promulgated in 1988 as part of the Department of Transportation (DOT) program to address drug and alcohol use in the U.S. transportation system. The ALP-1 breathalyzer meets the requirement by the US Coast Guard.
± 0.005%BAC at 0.100%BAC When a person’s actual breath alcohol concentration is 0.100%, the ALP-1 will always produce a result between 0.105% to 0.095%.
3 types of testing modes:
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